MathMagic Pro 9.31 + Full Version [Mac OS X]

2017-11-08 265

MathMagic Pro 9.31 Serial Key Link Here//

MathMagic Pro 2018 mac is an equation editor mainly for use with Adobe InDesign software in editing any mathematical expressions and symbols with WYSIWYG interface and various powerful features.

What's New?
Added: Define Spacing: Vector & Long Arrows: "Center arrow height" field is added
Added: "Apply Character's Sub/Superscript Before Gap for Under/Over Bars and Arrows template" checkbox added to Define Spacing: Super/Subscript to Template pane.
Changed: Define Spacing: Fences & Vertical Bars: "Horizontal Gap" fields allow a negative value
Changed: Define Spacing: Super/Subscript to Character: "Script After Gap" fields allow a negative value
Changed: Define Spacing: Large Op and Integrals: "Large Op Gap" and "Integral box Gap" fields allow a negative value
Changed: Define Spacing: Accents: "Prime After Gap" field allows a negative value
Changed: Define Spacing: Matrix: "Horizontal / Vertical Overhang" fields allow a negative value.